Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 H A R R Y    P O T T E R

These photos were on my desktop since June, so about 2 months. I guess I was super tired and told my friend I didn't have the energy for retouching so I really was exhausted. I've never had pictures on my computer so long without editing them! Usually I do it right away. But to think about it's almost September and the beginning of schools and the whole franchise of Harry Potter is about magic school&any kind of relationships, it is actually fine it took it's time and I can finally post them here.

Content of the pictures is about to represent some of the most meaningful aspects of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like the platform of 9 three quarters, the sorting hat, wand, the scene with Molly and Bellatrix, Harry's bird Hedwig and the scene where Dobby got free. 

Of course those who have seen the movies knows everything about the previous explanation but it's for them who have no idea what I'm doing here :D

I've seen them lot's of times and not getting tired 'cause I fancy magic and every time I watch I learn something new, especially about their relationships. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 A L I C E & A N N I   I N  W O N D E R L A N D

This place in Taagepera Castle, theme park of "Alice in Wonderland" was  a m a z i n g!! I'm still very thrilled, amazed and full of emotions! I've never seen in Estonia something like this. 

With pictures, in general I have a vision how I want the result to be but this time I only had two outfits in my mind and everything else was spontaneous and also editing photos. But oh man, h o w I enjoyed to have opportunity of going crazy with this fantasy thing, could let my creativity and also inner child out. And as a remark, this time there are lots of pictures, there was just so much "material".

Sunday, June 2, 2024

 The Devil Wears Prada

Olen vist aastaid kauplustes nillinud Vogue (maailma nr 1 moeajakiri), tõmbab kuidagi. Nüüd umbes kuu tagasi soetasingi teise ringi poest kaks tükki. Esimesel kaanestaar Victoria Beckham ja teisel Beyonce. Kuna need on nii atraktiivsed, siis ilmselgelt hea materjal ka pildistamisel kasutada. Outfit oli mul juba olemas, sest ostsin talvel punase jaki, nii et pusletükid said kokku.

Tean, et ma ei ole kindlasti esimene ega viimane inimene, kes antud filmi põhjal mingit komöödiat püüab teha, küll aga andis see palju inspiratsiooni ja ainestiku. Valisin ajakirjadest queen B oma, sest ta mega võimukas ning see kiirgab isegi kaanest välja :D samuti on suur respekt AW (Anna Wintour) vastu; mulle meeldivad tema põhimõtted tööst ja üleüldse on super karjääri naine!

Filmis legend Meryl Streep ja väga andekas näitleja Anne Hathaway. Oma piltidel võtsin Streepi osa.

// For years I've looked Vogue (World nr 1 fashion magazine) in the stores but never bought it. I don't know why but it interests me. So now, about month ago I found two magazines in second hand and ofc I was sold :D. On the first cover is Victoria Beckham and on second one Beyonce. As they are so attractive, exclusive and timeless, good material for using in photoshoot. I'd previously bought red jacket in winter, so puzzle pieces came together. 

I know I'm definitely not the first nor last person who tries to do some kind of comedy based on this film but it gave me so much inspiration. I chosed the one where Queen B is on the cover, 'cause she's super powerful and her shine comes even through the magazine :D. Also, I do have a great respect for the AW (Anna Wintour/ editor-in-chief); I admire her views of work principles and overall is a magnificent career woman!

What regards to film, Meryl Streep is a legend and Anne Hathaway is also very talented actress. In my pictures I took Streep's famous lines. 

edit by me

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


It's been a while from photoshoots, I can't even describe how much I have missed this! Last time when I shoot was in February, and now this feels like I've been away for at least an half year, but actually a bit over 2 months.

As I don't have my own camera, those pictures are taken by my bff's one. This led me to think to the times I started all of this blogging, felt like I'm back in the beginning. But, If you can't do it somehow, you still can do it somehow! I think it's my favourite quote.