Saturday, March 4, 2023

 "N U L L  E E L A R V E" / "Z E R O  B U D G E T"

It's been 9 months, and I can still remember all those big emotions. The costumes had never been worn. The Žhiguli had not seen daylight a long time ago. "Zero Budget" was called a big project, that I could not have foreseen even in my wildest dreams, and it was. It really was.

Kuidas ma projekti osalejaks sain?
2022 juunis ma nägin Facebook-i ühes grupis, et Erika Tuulik otsis fotomodelli. Enam-vähem järgmise sisuga tekst: "otsin fotomodelli hubases maakodus toimuvale pildistamisele". See koheselt kõnetas mind ja saatsin kirja, milles ütlesin, et olen huvitatud ja lisasin oma blogi lingi. Ei läinud palju aega mööda kui olin välja valitud. Minu ainus soov oli, et lähen fotosessioonile ja saan pilte, aga, et sellega kaasneb näituse korraldamine, oli minu jaoks midagi uut ja ootamatut. Ei osanud sellist sündmuste käiku isegi ette kujutada! Minu jaoks alguses veidike kõhklema panev aga samas lahe oli see, et ma ei näinud pildil kantavaid kostüüme/rõivaid enne kohale minemist. Lootsin ainult, et ei oleks midagi paljastavat. Mäletan hästi, kuidas Erika veel mitu korda minult üle küsis, kas olen ikka käpp, sest fotosid ma rõivastest ei näinud aga ma jäin endale kindlaks ja usaldasin oma sisetunnet. See hetk kui ma lõpuks neid kostüüme koha peal nägin - wow!! tekkis tunne nagu oleks kuskil moeshowl - väga vinge! 

Pilte tegime Harjumaal, maja perenaine Ülle võttis meid soojalt vastu ja kogu päeva õhkkond oli super vahva. Ja seda üldse mitte ilustades! Maja oli ühest küljest peen, maitsekas ja oli tunda sisekujundaja kätt. Teisest küljest ajalooline - leidus palju vanaaja hõngu erinevate elementide näol nagu retro telefon, grammofon, raamituna fotod esivanematest jne. 

Fotosessioon kestis kokku umbes 3h 30min. Olin päeva lõpuks päris väsinud aga väga õnnelik ja rahulolev. Erika rääkis, et näituste korraldamise järjekorrad pidid olema väga pikad. Üldiselt on nii, et saab fotod umbes nädala-kahega kätte kui just taoline suurem projekt pole. Seega, on selline kannatlikkuse proovilepanek olnud omaette kogemus.

// How did I get into this project?
In June 2022, I saw in a Facebook group that Erika Tuulik was looking for a photo model. Text with the following content: "I'm looking for a photo model for a photoshoot in a cozy country home". I immediately sent a message to her saying I was interested and included a link to my blog. It didn't take long before I was selected. Actually my only wish was to go to photo session and get pictures, but when I was told this project is bigger and they also organize an exhibition, that was something new and unexpected for me. 
Couldn't even have imagined such a turn of events! What made me hesitant at first, but at the same time cool, was that I didn't see the costumes before going to the location. I only hoped there was nothing "being half-naked or smth :D". I remember well how Erika asked me several times before shooting if I was still interested because like previously mentioned I had not seen the clothing but I trusted my gut and I was sure with myself. So that moment when I finally saw these costumes on location - wow!! I felt like I was at a fashion show somewhere - awesome!

We took pictures in Harjumaa, the landlady Ülle welcomed us warmly and the whole day's atmosphere was super great. The house was fine, tasteful and I could feel the hand of the interior designer. Also, historical - there were various elements from old-time like retro telephone, gramophone, framed photos of ancestors, etc.).

The photo session lasted about 3h and 30 minutes. I was quite tired at the end of the day but very happy. Erika told me the queues for organizing exhibition are generally very long. In general, receiving the photos takes about a week or two, but even longer if it is a larger project like this. So, such a test of patience is an experience itself. 

Lavastuslik kostüümidraama / Staged costume drama 

Fotograaf/Photographer: Erika Tuulik
Kostüümid/Costumes: Ülle
MUA: @kristiniilustuudio 
Teine modell/Another model: Nicole Maria Klais

Kui draama väsitab ja vaja aega iseendale / When the drama gets tiring and it's time for yourself:
ja draama sai jätkuda / and the story could continue:
NB! See oli minu idee, ent lugu fotograafi. 
Kui maja peal ringi käisin, jäi mulle silma retro telefon, millest ka eelnevalt mainisin ning tekkis koheselt idee seda fotol kasutada. Tagantjärele imestan oma julgust, mis on päris lahe :D Mulle meeldib, et kuigi Erikal on alati kodutöö tehtud ja visioon olemas, lubab ta jätta ruumi spontaansusele ja viimast hindan ma väga! 
// NB! It was my idea but the story belongs to the photographer. 
When I was chilling in the house, I noticed an old-school telephone, which I mentioned before, and immediately had the idea to use it in the picture. In retrospect, I marvel my courage to introduce my idea to the photographer :D. I like that even though Erika always has her homework done and has visions, she allows to leave room for spontaneity, and I really appreciate this!

Kokkuvõttes minu jaoks väga tore ja õpetlik projekt :) 
// In summary, it was a great and instructive project for me :)

Näitust näeb / Exhibition: