Sunday, September 10, 2023


Ma olin peas seda ideed mõlgutanud juba varasemad 2 aastat ja nüüd lõpuks teostus! Kuidagi lihtsalt jäi ära, äkki polnud õige aeg? 

Ehk siis käisin Järva-Jaani vanatehnika varjupaigas koos Triinuga ja ma ei tea miks, aga ma eeldasin sellest kohast midagi enamat :D roostet oli nii palju, mis andis kohale vinti juurde, kuid lahedam oleks olnud näha eri värvides autosid jne, suht ühte "auku" olid kõik. Võib-olla on mind raske ära võluda? 

Ma arvan, et minu vanemate põlvkonna jaoks palju lahedam, sest nostalgia tunne kohe sees ning on, mida meenutada ;) 

Ja muide, fotosid vaadates, enne pildistama minekut polnud mul peas mitte mingit ettekujutust, kuidas fotodele jääda vms, story tekkis spontaanselt koha peal. 

// I had this idea in my mind for about 3 years now and finally we did it! In previous years for some reason, it just flew by... maybe now it was a right time for that?

I went to Järva-Jaani old equipment shelter with Triin and I don't know why but I expected something more from this place. There was so much rust which gave the extra twist but it would've been cooler to see cars with different colours etc. They were all pretty much into one "hole". Maybe it's hard to fascinate me? :D 

I think it is more interesting for my parents generation to explore this place because it's great nostalgia for them and there is what to reminiscence. 

Oh, and btw.. I did not think about "story" before we went to shoot, it all came spontaneously from me. Just saying :) 

Style by me

Photos and edit (b&w by me): Triin Kalmus (my big gratitude!)

Must&valge / B&W: