Monday, October 23, 2023

  S H O P P I N G II

Olen endiselt olnud tihe second hand'ides poodleja ning tuleb tõdeda, et "tava" poed on oma valikuga isegi igavaks jäänud :D Päris vinge oleks ühel toredal päeval välismaal kaltsukates ringi vaadata, nt New York'is või mõnes Euroopa linnas. Ma ei ole unistaja tüüpi aga tahe minna ja avastada on küll ;) 

Oma sõbrannadega olen ka vahetanud muljeid, kes mida kuskilt häid leide on skoorinud :P Enamasti käingi Humanas, Uuskasutuses, Sarapuu kirbukas ning Arena Kirbuturul. Viimase kohta kommenteeris mu sõbranna, et käis ringi vaatamas ja ei leidnud sealt endale midagi; küll aga mainis, et täpselt minu maitsele - palju naiselikke riideid leiab sealt, aww armas :) 

Minu pikka aega kestnud mõõna kohta saatis üks sõbranje komplimendi: "I'm broke but not like poor broke. I'm classy type of broke. I'm broque." Ehk ma näen stiilne välja kuigi laostunud :D  

// I've still been a frequent second hand shopper, and I have to admit that the "normal" shops have even become a quite boring with their selection :D  I have thought it would be very awesome to look around in rags abroad like in New York City or somewhere in Europe. I'm not the dreamer type of person but I definitely have the will to go and discover ;)

What is more, I have also exchanged impressions with my friends about what they have scored from the second hand's, like recently a really great friend of mine told she found a cashmere sweater when she visited Valga second hand. Sounds very luxurious and expensive :D. I, mostly go to Humana, Uuskasutus, Sarapuu and Arena Flea Market. Regarding the latter, my friend commented that she went to look around and didn't find anything for herself there; but she mentioned that the shop is exactly my type - lots of feminine clothes, aww thank you :)

Another bestie sent me a quote about this low tide that has last for a really long time, which is actually a great compliment for me: "I'm broke but not like poor broke. I'm classy type of broke. I'm broque." It is skill for sure :D 

Panin siia ligi aasta jagu materjali/Almost a year of material:

Monton'i musta värvi pluus, millel blingivad tähed - 3 või 4 eur (ma päris täpselt ei mäleta), Magistrali Humanast. Saapad Magistrali kirbukast 8 euroga.  

// Black blouse which is actually Monton's but I got it from the Magistral Humana only for 3 or 4 euros. Boots from the flea market and for 8 euros. 

Nendel piltidel see lukuga "top" on tegelikult seelik :D Ma tahtsin nii väga mingeid pilte teha aga kuna sel hetkel olid kõik riided pildistatud, pidin midagi leiutama. Nii saigi seelikust kergelt avara dekolteega pluus/top, kuidas kellelegi tundub :D Ostsin selle Paavli kaltsukast 4 euro eest ja kuigi nägi huvitav välja, siis tekkis olukord, et polnud nagu millegagi sobitada(seda juhtub väga harva!) ja viisin omakorda järgmisele ringile. 

// In these pictures, the "top" with a zipper is actually a skirt :D I wanted so much to do photos, but since all the clothes were wore in the pictures, I had to invent something. That's how the skirt turned into a top :D I bought it from Paavli's rag shop for 4 euros and although it looked interesting, at home I found out that I couldn't match it with anything (this happens very rarely!), so I took it to the next round. 

H&M roosidega pluus pärit Humanast 3 euro eest. Juba kaugelt jäi silma :D 

// H&M blouse with roses from Humana for 3 euros. It caught my eye from far away :D

Kleit Reservedi oma ja soetasin Paide Uuskasutuskeskusest 6 euroga.
// Dress is originally Reserved brand  but I bought it from Paide Uuskasutuskeskus for 6 euros. 

Need retuusid leidsin Humana Vintage'st ja maksid vaid 0,50 eur. Päris huvitav leid mu jaoks.
// I found these leggings at Humana Vintage and cost only 0,50 eur. Quite an interesting find for me. 

Oeh kui palju see fotosessiooni ettevalmistus minult aega nõudis! Üks asi tund-pool koha peal shootida, teine riiete otsimine. Ma käisin erinevates second handides oma kümme korda vist kokku! Ei leidnud ega leidnud sobivat kuni lambist vaatasin netist, millal super 0,50 eur päev on ja sattus see olema täpselt nädalavahetusse, mil mul vabad päevad. Seadsin siis sammud Humana Vintage'sse. Pintsak ja kleit mõlemad 0,50 eur ehk kokku 1 eur! Kleidi olen tänaseks viinud uuele ringile aga pintsak/jakk on siiani kapis, igaks juhuks ;). Kusjuures, ma veel enne poodi minekut sisendasin endale, et punast värvi kindlalt ei osta!! Sest mul juba piisavalt seda kapis, aga kui nägin neid olin müüdud :D :D ja millega välja kõndisin - ikka sellega mis silma jäi :D 
Spetsiaalselt selle pildistamise jaoks käisin ka vanaema juures aksessuaare otsimas. Sealt leidsin valge pärlikee, mis on taas moes ja Papa (kes tänaseks on lahkunud) portfelli, mida ta ca 30-40 aastat tagasi kasutas. 

// Oh, how much time this photo preparation required of me! It's one thing to shoot on location for an hour and half, another to look for clothes. I probably went to different second hand's about ten times I think. I just didn't find a suitable outfit until I checked online when the super 0,50 eur day was and it happened to be exactly the weekend when I had days off from work. So i set my steps to Humana Vintage. Jacket and dress cost only 1 eur in total! Today, this dress has been taken for another round by me but the jacket is still in the closet, just in case ;). By the way, before I went to the shop I told myself NOT to watch red colour!! Because I have already enough of them but when I saw them I was sold :D :D and what I walked out with - red clothes that caught my eye. Especially for this photoshoot, I also went to my grandmother's to look for accessories. There I found a white pearl necklace, which is back in fashion, and my Papa's (who now has passed away) briefcase, which he used I think about 30-40 years ago. 

Mantel Terranova oma ja kuigi tegelt ma selle poe austaja ei ole ning satun sinna pigem harva kui üldse; jäi siiski mulle Sarapuu kirbukas ringi vaadates silma.  Mõtlesin, et oo päris nunnu teine ja maksis 10 eur. Triiksärk-body Zara oma ning ostsin selle Paavli kaltsukast 3 euroga. Nõnda malbe roosa-valge outfitiga ei jää tänaval kellelegi märkamatuks ja pilkude saamine on 100% garanteeritud! Mitte, et ma neid pilke teadlikult otsiks aga riietega "eksperimenteerida" on lahe. Neiu, kes mind pildistas, kutsus mind Barbieks ja üks hommik nii tööle jõudes nõudsid kolleegid catwalk'i tegemist :D see minu jaoks vahva kompliment :)

// The coat is from Terranova and although I'm not the fan of this store and go there rarely if ever; however,  seeing it in Sarapuu flea market, it caught my eye. I thought it is pretty cute and cost 10 euros. T-shirt body  from Zara and I bought it from Paavli's for 3 euros. Wearing such a modest pink and white outfit, it is 100% guaranteed to get noticed on the streets! Not that I'm consciusly looking for attention, but it's cool to "experiment" with clothes.  The girl who photographed me, called me Barbie, and one morning when I got  to work my colleagues demanded to do a catwalk :D. That's a great compliment for me :)

Musta värvi Zara pintsak on soetatud Paide Uuskasutuskeskusest ja maksis kõigest 10 eurot!! Minu jaoks väga lahe pärl ja seda kandes tunnen end kui miljoni dollari neiu! :D Lisaks sellele, õhkub kohe tonnide viisi enesekindlust ja muidugi ei saa mööda teiste pilkudest ;) Sõbranna ütles, et sobib mulle nagu valatult ja täpselt figuuri järgi. Jep, it is meant to be :D 
PS! Olen täheldanud, et tänaval või kuhugi keskusesse minekul on võhivõõrad mind teretanud ja ka uksi on meesterahvad rohkem avanud mulle kui näiteks dressipükse kandes. Samuti ei ole nt vene mehed komplimentidega kitsid ja mööda minnes on öelnud "Очень красивая девушка (kui grammatika läks mööda, siis süü on Google Translatel)" :D  See on päris huvitav, kuidas riietus võib inimeste suhtumist muuta.
// The black Zara jacket was purchased from Paide Uuskasutuskeskus and cost only 10 euros!! A very cool pearl for me and I feel like a million dollar lady when I wear it! In addition, tons of self-confidence exudes and, of course, I can even feel the glances from others ;) My friend said it is made for my figure :D. Yep, it's meant to be :D 
PS! I have noticed that strangers have greeted me on the street or when I go to the big malls or somewhere else, men have opened doors for me more often than wearing I don't know, sweatpants for example? Also, Russian men are not shy with compliments. On one day I went to grocery store and when passing by one said: "Очень красивая девушка(if the grammar went wrong, it's Google Translate's fault:D)" It's interesting how clothes can change people's attitude.

Valget triiksärk-body juba eelnevalt mainisin. Valge seelik minu Mamma riidekapist, mille mu armas tädi mulle parajaks tegi. Ma arvan, et see on isegi vanem kui mina, nii et tõeline kultuuripärand! :D Vöö ostsin Paavli kaltsukast 1,5 euroga, mida käes hoides käis mõte peast läbi "äkki läheb vaja" ja nii ongi ;)

Mulle meeldib stiliseerida ja rõivaid/aksessuaare omavahel kokku sobitada. Ma ei ole seda kuskil õppinud, vaid julgen öelda, et tänu blogile kuidagi iseenesest ajaga nii läinud. Ilmselt kuna olen loominguline inimene, siis kajastub see ka veits riietumises. 

// I already mentioned the white T-shit bodysuit. A white skirt is from my Mamma's wardrobe and my lovely aunt made some adjustments to fit me better. I think it's even older than me, so a real heritage! :D I purchased a belt from Paavli's shop for only 1,5 euros, and when I held it in my hands, the thought "I might need it" crossed my mind, and so it is ;)

I like to do styling for myself and match clothes/accessories together. I haven't learned it anywhere but I dare say thanks to the blog somehow it has been so by itself over the time. Probably because I'm a creative person, I can express myself in clothing too.