Saturday, July 23, 2022

 R O S E S

Kuna ma ei ole Kalamajas peaaegu, et üldse pildistamas käinud, siis seekord võtsingi koos sõbrannaga suuna sinna ja kujutasin ette visioonis tänavatel ringi jalutamist ja klõpsimist...

...Aga tegelikkuses kulges asi hoopis teistmoodi. Nimelt me eriti ringi ei jalutanudki, sest mulle jäi kaugelt, no nii umbes mõnisada meetrit eemal, silma üks hoone, mis oli kulunud tumepunast värvi. See sobis täpselt minu outfitiga kokku. Leidsime täpselt sobiliku nurga ja tekkis isegi tunne, nagu oleks stuudiosse sattunud, sest kõrval oli kollast värvi hoone ja selle kõrval veel kivist sein või "müür", mis oli peaaegu puulehtedega kaetud. Ehk siis ühes kohas kolm nurka, pole üldse paha! Olin ausalt öeldes suht vaimustuses, sest see, mida kujutasin ette oma vaimusilmas, osutus lõpptulemusena hoopis muuks ja oodatust veelgi paremaks!

//Since I have hardly ever taken photoshoots at Kalamaja, then this time I decided to go there with a friend of mine and my vision was to just chill, walk around and take pictures on the street...

...But in reality, things went quite differently. Actually, we didn't walk around much, because already from about a few hundred meters I noticed a building a bit further away, it had worn dark red paint and it matched with my outfit. We found just the right corner and it even felt like we were in a studio because next to it was a yellow colour building and next to it was a stone wall or "wall" that was almost covered with tree leaves. In other words, three very different looking corners in one place, not bad at all! To be honest, I was quite excited because what I had imagined in my mind, turned out to be completely different and even better than expected!

styling and edit by me