Monday, August 22, 2022

 M O T O R B I K E

Vahel on nii, et idee ei tule mitte minu seest ega ka mõnest muust inspiratsiooni allikast vaid hoopis nagu välk selgest taevast ehk "elu" ise pakub võimalust. Mul on Triin'uga hoopis teistsugune fotosess plaanis ja arutasimegi seda Augustikuu teisel nädalal, kui ta kirjutas, et saabub sihtkohta m o o t o r r a t t a g a. Lisaks olemasolevale ideele tekkis järsult järgmine. Mul läks sekundiga pirn peas põlema :D Ma isegi ei oska sõnadega kirjeldada seda tunnet, mis mu sees on kui kirg asja üle võtab, ma läksin põlema! Ehk siis enne Triinu mainitut polnud mul absoluutselt mitte mingit ettekujutust ka motikast. Tal see suht äsja ostetud ning mainis, et tahab ise ka pilte. Edasine jutt arenes kiirelt fotosessiooniks :D Pildistasime Järvamaal, sest tol nädalavahetusel toimus Arvamusfestival ja kuna mõlemad oleme Paidest pärit, saimegi seal kokku. Territoorium, millel fotosid tegime, oli mulle juba varem silma jäänud, tundus väga lahe koht. Tagantjärele mõeldes loksus kõik ise planeerimata paika.

// Sometimes the idea does not come inside of me or from some other source of inspiration, but rather like out of the blue or "life" itself offers an opportunity. Triin and I had (and still have) a completely different idea for the photo shoot, and we discussed it on the second week of August, when she wrote that would arrive to destination by m o t o r b i k e. In addition to the existing idea, we had suddenly a next one. A light bulb went on in my head within a second :D I can't even describe in words the feeling I have inside when passion takes over, I was on fire! So before what Triin mentioned I couldn't even imagine about taking photos with motorcycle. It's her recent purchase so she wanted also photos with it, if you have forgotten then I also take photographs of other people. The further conversation quickly developed into a photo session :D We took photos in Järvamaa because Arvamusfestival took place on that weekend and since we are both from Paide, we met there. On the territory where we took photos had already caught my eye, it seemed a very cool place. Looking back, everything fell into place without planning. 

Photos (colour + b&w) and edit by Triin Kalmus